
Information Technology

Hitting back at hack attacks

Facial recognition and public Wi-Fi are becoming more widespread in our daily lives. But have you ever considered that hackers are waiting around every corner to steal your credentials for profit? Fortunately, there are dedicated teams working tirelessly to combat these illegal activities. Two research teams from CUHK are hitting back at hack attacks as they examine vulnerabilities in facial recognition software and the configuration of virtual private networks and Wi-Fi networks.

Speech and language processing: Finding their voice again

Speech and language processing: Finding their voice again

Two CUHK professors are collaborating on technology solutions for Cantonese speakers in Hong Kong who suffer from dysarthria, which affects the articulation of sounds and words, and have since expanded their research to neurological diseases such as dementia. Their cross-disciplinary research combines multilingual speech processing, artificial intelligence, neuroscience and language learning.

Poor Kids, Radioligists, Investors Aided by University Innovations

A remarkable medley of research projects led by CUHK professors include free speech training for underprivileged children with language disorders from a one-stop service platform for language development "Speak Along", helping radiologists better identify pulmonary lesions from X-rays images, and mining public data for improved decisions by China market investors, all winning Hong Kong ICT Awards this year.

Click Hackers on the Run from Browser-Based Analysis Framework

Hackers roaming the web hijacking clicks for fraud and malware downloads may soon be foiled. Professor Wei Meng of Faculty of Engineering’s browser-based analysis framework has found three techniques used for intercepting user’s clicks. The source code of the framework will be released so web browsers can detect interceptions and warn users.