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AI: A ray of light for depression sufferers

Feeling down? Wondering if it is more than just a bad day? Imagine if technology could read your emotions and lend a helping hand. With shortage of psychiatrists challenging the global healthcare systems, it can be hard for depression sufferers to get diagnosed. CUHK researchers have harnessed the power of AI technology to develop two innovative tools that make diagnoses easier and earlier: by utilising a pioneering mobile app and looking into your eyes.

Poor Kids, Radioligists, Investors Aided by University Innovations

A remarkable medley of research projects led by CUHK professors include free speech training for underprivileged children with language disorders from a one-stop service platform for language development "Speak Along", helping radiologists better identify pulmonary lesions from X-rays images, and mining public data for improved decisions by China market investors, all winning Hong Kong ICT Awards this year.