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AI: A ray of light for depression sufferers

Feeling down? Wondering if it is more than just a bad day? Imagine if technology could read your emotions and lend a helping hand. With shortage of psychiatrists challenging the global healthcare systems, it can be hard for depression sufferers to get diagnosed. CUHK researchers have harnessed the power of AI technology to develop two innovative tools that make diagnoses easier and earlier: by utilising a pioneering mobile app and looking into your eyes.

Soaring to new heights: CUHK’s celebrated accomplishments

CUHK is celebrating a range of accomplishments that solidify its status as a preeminent global leader in higher education and research. From a historic rise in prestigious university rankings to a sweep of awards at an esteemed international invention showcase, CUHK has consistently demonstrated its unparalleled commitment to academic excellence, innovative thinking and pioneering discoveries across its diverse programmes and world-class faculties.

The world’s most powerful artificial muscle gives hope to the injured

Wearable artificial muscles offer the hope of recovery for people with devastating injuries and medical conditions. With ExoMuscle, Professor Raymond Tong Kai-yu from CUHK has come up with the most effective artificial muscle yet developed: twice as strong as human muscles, it could potentially be used to create a wearable exoskeleton, like something worn by super villain Doctor Octopus. ExoMuscle interprets signals from the muscles and brain through a unique interface that connects them with the bionic muscle.

Making abounded glass an urban cooling aid

Can you imagine how hot you would feel when a heatwave comes if you lived in a tin-sheet house? It would be like living in a steam oven. Heatwaves are roasting the world, smashing records with unrelenting severity. A CUHK research team has developed a high-performance radiative cooling paint based on recycled glass, a forgotten resource in our communities. It can potentially provide buildings with supplemental cooling without consuming energy.

CUHK’s innovation talents honoured in national and international competitions

One of the most innovative universities in the city and the region, CUHK is committed to producing impactful research and propelling innovation in Hong Kong and beyond. Recently, CUHK students and scholars have excelled in several national and international competitions, while the CUHK Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Research Institute (Futian) (FITRI) has recently been unveiled to foster cross-border I&T collaboration.

AI Guided Magnetic Endoscope Gives Surgeon Uncluttered Hands-free View

Magnets, play an important role in daily life, sometimes an invisible one, from refrigerator doors, credit cards, computers to high-speed maglev trains and more. A CUHK Surgery team’s invention of an intelligently guided magnetic endoscope brings an exciting new advance in minimally invasive thoracic surgery. No collisions between scope and scalpel, smooth video coverage of the cavity and no clean-up interruptions.

Remarkable CUHK Scholars Win International Acclaim

Constant academic pursuit by scholars is essential to driving improvements in life and social progress. Scholars and research studies from CUHK have received international and national awards in various disciplines over the past few months, with research excellence widely recognised.