The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is committed to supporting scholars as they pursue impactful, productive research. Recently, CUHK scholars have been recognised on the international stage for their innovative research, picking up awards including the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Information Theory Society Paper Award, Foreign Membership of the Academia Europaea, and the Shaw Prize 2023 in Mathematical Sciences. In other encouraging news, CUHK also achieved impressive results in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings and Asia University Rankings 2023.
CUHK wins Electrical and Electronics Engineers Information Theory Society Paper Award for the third time, setting a new record
CUHK’s Department of Information Engineering won the prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Information Theory Society Paper Award 2023, taking the award for the third time and setting a new record among Hong Kong institutions.
This year’s awardee is Professor Li Cheuk-ting, Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Engineering, who collaborated with Professor Venkat Anantharam from the University of California, Berkeley on the paper “A Unified Framework for One-Shot Achievability via the Poisson Matching Lemma” and presented the Poisson matching lemma, which provides a novel method for constructing coding schemes for delay-constrained communication scenarios, and provides accurate bounds on the error rate. This can be applied in industries that require communication of short messages over noisy communication channels, including telecommunications.

CUHK scholars elected as Foreign Members of the Academia Europaea
Professor Qin Ling and Professor Yu Jun from the Faculty of Medicine were recently elected as Foreign Members of the Academia Europaea. Professor Qin, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, focuses on musculoskeletal disease research, in particular bone metabolic disorders and musculoskeletal injuries. He has also developed biodegradable metals for orthopaedic applications.

Professor Yu, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics, focuses on gastroenterology research. She has been particularly widely recognised for her contributions in gastrointestinal cancers in relation to fatty liver disease, gut microbiota, and genomic and epigenomic molecular mechanisms. She is also dedicated to generating basic and translational research in cancer biomarkers and cancer therapy.

Professor Yau Shing-tung awarded the Shaw Prize 2023 in Mathematical Sciences
CUHK Distinguished Visiting Professor-at-Large Yau Shing-tung was selected as the awardee of the Shaw Prize 2023 in Mathematical Sciences, in recognition of his contributions in differential geometry and Kähler geometry. Graduating from the Department of Mathematics, Chung Chi College, CUHK in 1969, Professor Yau then pursued the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa, at CUHK in 1980. After teaching and researching in different universities for years, he returned to CUHK and initiated the establishment of The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMS). He is currently the Distinguished Visiting Professor-at-Large and the director of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Thanks to his exceptional capabilities in mathematics, he received several other awards before the Shaw Prize 2023 in Mathematical Sciences, including the Fields Medal, the Veblen Prize in Geometry, the US National Medal of Science and the Wolf Prize in Mathematics.

Inspiring performance in the THE Impact Rankings and Asia University Rankings 2023
2023 marks a historic milestone for CUHK – the 60th anniversary of its founding. In this remarkable year, CUHK has also scored impressive results in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings and Asia University Rankings 2023. CUHK achieved a noteworthy milestone by once again topping Hong Kong, and entering the top 100 in THE Impact Rankings 2023 for the first time and is sixth in the Asia University Rankings 2023, its highest position since the launch of THE Asia University Rankings in 2013.
Thanks to its commitment to pursue the 17 United Nations sustainable development goals through education, engagement and research, CUHK achieved an overall score of 89.4 in the THE Impacts Rankings, breaking into the world’s top 100. Decent Work and Economic Growth, Quality Education, and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions are the three areas in which CUHK performed the best among the 17 sustainable development goals. In addition, CUHK was also the highest ranked among Hong Kong universities.
CUHK’s also improved its position in THE Asia University Rankings. It was evaluated in five areas – teaching, research, citations, internal outlook and industry income – and reached its highest position of sixth in the rankings among nearly 700 other institutions in Asia, up one position from last year.